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BEST of MEXICO - Highlights Tours

Best of Mexico City │ History, Culture & Food Tour - 7 Days

Explore Mexico City, 7 other colonial cities & towns in 3 states, meet local artisans, visit history & art museums, archaeological ruins, the world's largest flower garden & more

As the largest city in North America with over 20 million inhabitants, Mexico City is a lively bustling city filled with people, music, street vendors, restaurants, upscale neighborhoods, large green parks, and a huge array of museums with art and historical artifacts depicting Mexico’s colorful past. Read More

Best of México City, Toluca, Cuernavaca, Taxco & Tepoztlán Tour - 14 Days

Explore Mexico City, 7 other colonial cities & towns, local artisans, visit history & art museums, archaeological ruins, the world's largest flower garden, & more

On this 2 week journey through the Mexican states of Ciudad de México, Estado de México, Morelos & Guerrero, our historian guide will lead us on a discovery tour to learn about the history and the cultures of this central region of México… Read More

Best of Puebla City │ History, Culture & Culinary Tour - 7 Days

With a treasure trove of sites, sounds, tastes, and traditions,explore the oldest Spanish-built colonial city

This Mexico exploration tour will have you visiting the oldest library in North America, participating in a hands-on cooking class, climbing the world’s largest pyramid (by volume), venturing underground to witness a very recent and amazing discovery, and… Read More

Best of Oaxaca's Pacific Coast │ Puerto Escondido to Huatulco Tour - 8 Days

Explore Puerto Escondido, Huatulco, several small seaside villages & experience up-close encounters with tropical wildlife

A journey to southern Oaxaca along the big blue Pacific Ocean is your ticket to enjoy a fun week of tropical experiences. You won’t usually find the overcrowded beaches here like you might in Cancun and the Riviera Maya… Read More

Best of Querétaro │ Missions, Magic Towns & Mountains Tour - 11 Days

Explore Querétaro city, 6 Mexico "Magic Towns," Franciscan Missions & the mountainous Sierra Gorda World Biosphere Region in eastern Querétaro state

Querétaro may be one of the smaller states in México but as you will see on this tour, is is Big on history, culture, scenic beauty, and friendly people. From the capital city to the rural countryside, this tour will showcase all the best this state has to offer… Read More

BACK ROADS of MEXICO - Rural Regions Tours

Back Roads of Veracruz │ Rain Forest Region Tour - 8 Days

Hike in the rain forest jungle, view tropical wildlife & explore the rural gulf coast region of Veracruz

This little-known corner of tropical paradise is located in the gulf coast state of Veracruz. It is one of the northernmost regions in the western hemisphere where rain forest conditions exist. Many people have likened it to the scenery in the Jurassic Park movies… Read More

Back Roads of Chihuahua │ Desert & Canyonlands Tour - 12 Days

Explore the rugged desert, the Zone of Silence & then travel deep into the vast canyonland region of Chihuahua, México

This is an expedition to venture into one of nature’s huge arid deserts & then to be enveloped in a series of deep rocky canyons which are all located in México’s largest state; Chihuahua. Read More

Back Roads of Veracruz │ Rural Coastal Villages Tour - 3 Days

Escape for a few days to the tropical & very rural Gulf of México coast in southern Veracruz

Thinking of getting away from it all for a few days? On this adventure escape, enjoy a very rural tropical coastal setting along the Gulf of México. Visit small seaside villages, hike into the countryside to discover hidden waterfalls, and view wildlife in their natural environment… Read More


Best of Guadalajara to Mazatlán Tour - 14 Days

Explore 12 México Cities & Towns in 5 States and Enjoy a Mazatlán 3 Day Beach Vacation

This México road trip starts in Guadalajara & the region called, Tierra de Tequila and continues on to the colonial cities (and states) of Aguascalientes, Zacatecas and Durango. Finally, we’ll travel through the Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains to the Pacific Ocean and to the city of Mazatlán… Read More

Best of Guadalajara, Tequila & Puerto Vallarta Tour - 10 Days

Explore Guadalajara, Tlaquepaque, Lake Chapala & Tequila and also Enjoy a Puerto Vallarta 3 Day Beach Vacation

Museums, markets, murals, mariachis, magic towns, ancient ruins, tequila and more. After a several days of touring the central region of Jalisco state, our journey continues west to the Pacific coast for a few days of R&R at a beachside resort in Puerto Vallarta… Read More


Veracruz Outdoor Adventure Tour - 10 Days

Participate in 10 exciting outdoor action-packed activities - rappelling, whitewater river rafting, ATVing, snorkeling, hiking, and more

Get ready for a different challenging outdoor adventure activity each day on this tour. Veracruz state is known as México’s Outdoor Adventure Playground. From its warm tropical sandy beach coastline along the Gulf of Mexico all the way to the higher elevations in the foothills of the Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains… Read More


Festival Tour │ Oaxaca City Day of the Dead Celebration - 7 Days

Experience Mexico's Día de los Muertos with lively parades, ancient traditions & cemetery visits. We'll also explore ancient city ruins, watch artisans at work, and try some of Oaxaca delicious foods

Experience this annual festive yet somber celebration where Mexicans all throughout México honor their family members who have passed on. This Mexican National Holiday is a jumbled mix of color, craziness, somberness, music, tranquility, dancing, art, parades, and wild costumes. Your five senses will all be stimulated as you attempt to understand the strangeness unfolding all around you… Read More

Cortés & The Spanish Conquest of México Tour - 11 Days

Join us on this “Journey into History” tour to retrace the route of Hernán Cortés & his men from the gulf coast of Veracruz to the mighty Aztec capital city

This educational tour was created for Professors, Teachers, Students of History & for History Buffs! It is an 11 day discovery to actually see the places Hernán Cortés and his men saw in 1519 as they traversed the 250 miles from the gulf coast of present day Veracruz to Tenochtitlán; now México City… Read More

Veracruz │ History of African Influences Tour - 7 Days

This is an educational tour to study the African Influences from the Spanish conquest until present day in the state of Veracruz, México

On this fun and informative history tour, we will journey to the gulf coast state of Veracruz to learn about the history of the Afro-Mexicans; from their arrival as enslaved workers for the Spaniards to how they live in México today…Read More

Monarch Butterfly Reserves, Toluca & Valle de Bravo Tour - 7 Days

Witness the incredible site of viewing tens of thousands of monarchs in the highlands of central México. Plus, explore Toluca, Metepec, Valle de Bravo & wander through a rural outdoor market.

Travelers on this fully guided exploration tour will have the opportunity to witness up-close thousands of monarch butterflies in 2 lesser known forest sanctuaries located in the State of México (Estado de México). By visiting these more out-of-the-way locations, our guests will have a better opportunity of . . . Read More

History, Traditions & Ancient Ruins of Veracruz Tour - 7 Days

On this informative tour, we'll explore the early civilizations of this gulf coast region & also learn about the Spanish, French, and USA invasions of México through the state of Veracruz

The gulf coast state of Veracruz for centuries has been called, The Gateway to México. Whether it was Spanish invaders, enslaved Africans, or huge container ships full of thousands of cars, Veracruz has been the disembarkation point into the Americas. Ancient civilizations thrived here as well way before the Europeans arrived… Read More